- The BlogThoughts, musings, and ruminations.February 24, 2023 · Pest ControlРеst іnfеstаtіоns саn mаkе thе lіvіng аtmоsрhеrе unсоmfоrtаblе аnd unіnhаbіtаblе. Тhеsе сrеаturеs...August 23, 2022 · Pest ControlThe simplest method of fly prevention is actually the most effective: general sanitation...
The simplest method of fly prevention is actually the most effective: general sanitation practices. It doesn’t make any difference whether you just put your dog in the backyard or actually have a large kennel: flies and dogs are just not compatible with one another. If you properly manage your dog’s waste you may be pleased to discover the only thing you need for fly control Canberra is a few applications of fly predators. If you frequently have problems with flies, you can problem control them with some sticky tape or fly traps.
The first key to good sanitation is the implementation of a sanitation program that will eliminate the biggest numbers of flies: manure and outdoor trash cans. These areas are favorite breeding sites for flies, so it’s important to exert much of your fly control efforts on these areas.
The condition of your garbage cans is important when it comes to fly control. You want to make sure they have tight fitting lids in order to make sure the flies can’t get in. You also want to put a plastic bag in the can so particles of food are unable to stick to the can. You will be pleased to see that when you place trash in plastic bags there will be fewer odors which means it will attract fewer flies. You also want to completely wash all food particles from dog food bowls and prep stations in order to prevent the risk of having flies on the dogs. In addition it’s a good idea to make sure the garbage cans are as far away from the house or kennel as possible.
While you are cleaning and sanitizing be sure you eliminate any areas that may attract flies looking for breeding sites. Some of the areas that are included here include rotting vegetation, mulch and wet soil. In order to reduce the potential for having flies on your dogs you should avoid leaving moist dog food unattended for a long period of time.
Fruit trees can be a real problem when it comes to attracting flies on dogs and throughout your property. You need to get rid of any fallen, overripe or fermenting fruit as soon as it becomes visible to you. Get rid of any materials that flies may see as breeding sites or spread it thinly so it can dry out for the best fly control. You need to remove or dry out any organic material within five days in order to keep the flies and dogs separated as much as possible. The areas that are most attractive to flies are those that are comprised of forty to sixty percent moisture weight. Anything outside of this range will not allow the pupae to form properly thus the fly will never become an adult pest (a good thing). Essentially this means the dryer you keep an area the better the chances are of achieving nearly complete fly prevention.
Another thing you want to do is get rid of any dead animals as soon as you notice them especially during the hot summer months when the fly population is at its peak. It only takes twenty four to forty eight hours for an animal carcass to draw flies, and your dogs will be the first ones to suffer. It is possible to find over a thousand blow flies around an unattended carcass of a small animal such as a squirrel or rabbit. In addition blow flies can also get into your home or on your animals bringing all kinds of filth along with them.
You also need to keep a close eye on your weeds or your fly prevention efforts will not be worth a thing. Many people have no idea that flies like to get out of the heat and rest just like humans do. Their favorite places to congregate during the heat of the day are in tall grass and weeds. When you make sure to keep these areas trimmed and well-maintained, you will be doing a lot to discourage flies from congregating on your property and in your dogs’ kennel. For the expert Fly Control service contact local Pest Control Canberra.